Music and plants

It has long been said that talking to your plants will help them grow. Apparently the sound of the voice encourages faster growth, and studies have shown that female voices are even better than male voices when it comes to stimulating the plants. Some people even advocate for playing music to the plants, so would this actually work?

Encouraging plant growth

Classical music is sometimes used to soothe plants such as orchids, and with proven results. Many of the orchids that win at shows have been nurtured with music and voices. This doesnt just work for flowers though, it can also be used to encourage growth in vegetables too. So why does this work?

The theory behind it

Of course, no one really knows for sure why this actually happens, but a very strong working theory is that the vibrations from the music are the stimuli. This has been put to the test, and the results were very interesting to say the least. Gentle music gives off a soothing vibration which appears over time to encourage a faster growth in the plant, the flowers are larger and more lush. Alternatively, when heavy metal and stronger baseline music were played, plants provided more produce, tomato plants in particular seemed to respond to this type of music.

What other music can you try?

If you want to test this out on your own plants then it is a good idea to try a wide variety of music genres, but for a true test, you need to use the same plants set in the same enviroments (tomato plants in a greenhouse for example). This way your findings have less chance of being corrupted, and you know that it has been done under controlled conditions.

You will likely find that jazz yields different results to reggae, Schubert to Shakira, but whatever music you find offers the best results for you, dont forget to also talk to your plants. You can also try dusting the leaves with a damp cloth too, because if you treat your plants well your plants will grow big, strong and the yields will be plentiful. If you are not sure how to water the plants or look after them, try the plant care app from getplanta. It can guide you to best practice for your plants, which can be also helpful if you live a life of self sustainability, then getting more tomatoes, potatoes and carrot growth will also be great for your wallet.

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